Reg : Keyword expansion
Kastner Masilko, Friedrich
Kastner-Masilko at
Sun Aug 29 20:59:45 UTC 2010
From: mercurial-bounces at [mailto:mercurial-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alexander
> At the repo level you can (must) use hg parents --template "..." >
> filename (file must be excluded from versioning)
> You can build such file with current hg commands, AFAIK, and use it
There are some problems with your idea for our use-case:
1. Someone has to issue this command-line. Of course you can put it into a hook, but that is already an entry in the hgrc, so why not go further and activate an extension.
2. The file can't be created as a simple single line of content. It contains more than just said custom variables and there is no include-mechanism in the designer system. So you'd have to patch a very specific line in an already existing file.
3. The file needs to be versioned because it contains important content for the project.
4. Simply overwriting a versioned file in the working copy will mess up status output, diffs etc.
Please note that I'm aware of keyword-expansion opening a can of worms if used in cases where they are simply not needed. But you have to accept the fact that there are systems in use that are not using a C pre-processor with a "#include" statement and a well-behaving make process. If you want (need) to put keyword expansion into such projects, you are pretty much left alone by Mercurial. This is especially bad if you try to convince a team of developers of the advantages of DVCS in general and specifically Mercurial, and the first thing you stumble upon in a new project is answered with "oh, you can't do it with DVCS, it is not needed anyway", when the old system did it perfectly well (SVN) and there is no replacement for it.
Fortunately this DVCS is written in a scripting language, so extending it was a matter of minutes without shell-fu or platform headaches ;) . It was easier this time, because I already learned Python from the earlier need to extend Mercurial in order to get proper timestamping for another "exotic" development system...
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