idea for subrepos

Hans Meine meine at
Fri Feb 12 11:43:32 UTC 2010


I just heard the complaint that you lose history when copying something from 
one subrepo to another.

That brought me to the idea that "hg copy" could copy the history over within 
an existing subrepo setup.  That is - you would (optinally) not just have a 
single 'add' changeset, but the whole series of changesets affecting the file, 
similar to what 'hg convert' with an appropriate filemap would create.

IIRC it would even be possible to "group" the changesets nowadays, right?
(In order to mark the intermediate changesets as untested intermediate repo 

I understand that this would be a hack, but it would scratch an itch AFAICS.

Have a nice day,

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