***SPAM*** how do I do this in Mercurial ?

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Tue Jan 5 00:54:56 UTC 2010

Zorba wrote, On 01/03/2010 11:53 PM:
> thanks a mill mads, this is helping loads!
> I don't know which changeset a particular file first appeared - how does one
> search for all occurences of a file (or a pattern for that matter) across
> the whole repository

I guess that depends on your definition of a "file" is. Is it defined by 
name or by content with changing names? Hg log with or without --follow 
will give you either.

If you have some other definition or want patterns then the most 
efficient solution might be some inefficient scripting, such as:

for i in $(seq 9999); do echo $i; hg manifest -r $i | grep bisect.py; done

or a bit smarter and faster - but will probably take you longer time the 
first couple of times:

hg bisect -r
hg up
hg bisect -c 'hg manifest|grep bisect.py'
hg up -r 0
hg bisect -c 'hg manifest|grep bisect.py'

> Also, regarding 2) below (for a given file, get a history of all its changes
> and renames throughout all revisions), is it possible to get the progressive
> diffs ?

It might be possible with some custom templates, but for some quick 
investigation I would use shell scripting.

If you want to browse the history then use tortoisehg with "hgtk log FILE"


ps: It would be convenient if bisect -c and REV could be combined in a 
meaningful way, such that REV indicated on which revision the command 
should be run:
hg bisect -r
hg bisect -c 'hg manifest|grep bisect.py' tip
hg bisect -c 'hg manifest|grep bisect.py' null
- but that is currently now how it is ...

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