Lost changes during merges

Pavel Shevaev pacha.shevaev at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 08:23:51 UTC 2010

Folks, from time to time we at my company are facing strange issues
during merges: the code is getting lost for some reason.

Here is one of such situations when my(pachanga) changes in revision
7684(--some feature C) got lost during merge in revision 7722.

o      changeset:   7722:180b55133042
|\      parent:      7721:f0c962ce460a
| |     parent:      7684:644fa64bcb94
| |     user:        Darthvader
| |     date:        Tue Jan 19 09:23:59 2010 +0300
| |     summary:     -- merge
| |
| o    changeset:   7719:f4692a47d6bd
|  | \   parent:      7718:9bebcd306795
|  |  |  parent:      7675:441060480ba9
|  |  |  user:        Darthvader
|  |  |  date:        Mon Jan 18 17:32:00 2010 +0300
|  |  |  summary:     -- merge
|  |  |
|  |  o  changeset:   7718:9bebcd306795
|  |  |  parent:      7667:3262d51e6d84
|  |  |  user:        Darthvader
|  |  |  date:        Mon Jan 18 17:29:43 2010 +0300
|  |  |  summary:     -- some feature D
|  |  |
o |  |  changeset:   7684:644fa64bcb94
|  |  |  user:        pachanga
|  |  |  date:        Tue Jan 19 00:56:06 2010 +0300
|  |  |  summary:     -- some feature C
|  |  |
o |  |  changeset:   7674:3fb6d83e3fd4
|/  /    user:        pachanga
|  |     date:        Mon Jan 18 18:02:15 2010 +0300
|  |     summary:     -- some feature B
|  |
o |     changeset:   7669:3deefa7cd6bd
|/        user:        pachanga
|         date:        Mon Jan 18 15:38:40 2010 +0300
|         summary:     -- some feature A

I asked the developer(Darthvader) who made the merge in 7722 revision
if he got at least any conflicts during merge and he told me
everything went smooth.

I tried to browse log changes for all revisions in this period of time
and I couldn't find any pointers why revision 7684 silently

Could please anyone give an advice how this can be avoided in the
future? Maybe this situation arises due to our improper usage of

Can I at least reproduce the moment of the merge somehow? I mean
somehow clone the current repo to the new one which is in the state
right before the merge?


Best regards, Pavel

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