Multiple CVS module conversion

Michael Malone michael.malone at
Mon Jul 12 20:46:36 UTC 2010


My workplace is currently investigating how we can convert our current CVS
repository to Mercurial.  In CVS we used several modules as the theory is
that each of these modules should have defined interfaces and could be
swapped out for a different implementation/version.  In practice we only
have one implementation and our architecture isn't defined as well as it
ought to be.  We know that there is at least one module which needs breaking
apart, and we'd rather not create merge hell when we do this.  So my
question is this:

Is there a way to convert multiple CVS modules into a single Mercurial

I have tried converting each module separately, then doing a pull -f, but
that doesn't leave the modules separated into their own directories
(Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify a sub-tree destination when I do
the pull -f), and unfortunately our code base is a little too complicated to
perform a 'hg mv' after each pull.

A second and secondary question is, I have heard rumours that the history
retaining is more accurate if I use a svn repo as an intermediate step - do
you know of the validity of this rumour?

Thanks in advance,


Michael Malone
Junior Design Engineer
Tait Radio Communications
535 Wairakei Rd
DDI: 64 3 3586628
michael.malone at
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