ImportError: No module named docutils.parsers.rst

Tony Mechelynck antoine.mechelynck at
Fri Jul 30 06:42:38 UTC 2010

On 30/07/10 07:15, Chris Velevitch wrote:
> Ok, I stand corrected as I made the assumption that when I typed
> 'make', I get a "complete" list of targets. I now see the default
> target is 'help' and that the 'help' is not complete.
> I guess it would be nice if the centos 5 'yum install mercurial' was
> able be keep in sync with the latest release in a more timely manner.
> Chris

In general, "make" with no arguments _builds_ the first target in the 
Makefile, whatever that target may be. For many software packages, it 
means building the package, not listing the possible make targets.

To see which targets are available, load the Makefile in your favourite 
text editor and look for any lines beginning with one or more words 
followed by a colon: each of these words in any such line is a target. 
Note also that a makefile may "include" another makefile as part of 
itself, with targets and all.

Best regards,
Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood.
		-- Louise Beal

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