hgwebdir replacement - pylons hg app

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at cadifra.com
Fri Jun 4 00:28:01 UTC 2010

On 04.06.2010 02:08, Mike Meyer wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 00:52:41 +0200
> Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> wrote:
>> If you put a BSD-like license to X, then I think you are (in good faith
>> or not) essentially making a false claim. You can't open the license of
>> X by doing that.
> Not true. BSD-licensed X using the python API of a GPL2+ licensed VCS
> is certainly a GPL2+ package, and anyone who gets it that way has to
> honor that. But BSD-licensed X using the python API of a BSD-licensed
> Other VCS is still perfectly fine. ...

Which is clearly not the case we are talking about here, so completely

vcs was defined as the library that calls mercurial via its python API.

What is unclear if you see

     from mercurial import xxxx

in a python source?

Of course, if you have a variant of the vcs library that doesn't import
from mercurial then you may slap whatever license you want to the end
product (of course depends on what else *that* vcs depends on then).

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