no match found after adding file

Ivo van Halen - VI Company ivo at
Wed Jun 9 14:19:57 UTC 2010

1. data/test.txt.i at b80de5d13875: no match found!
2. This is the only error that is shown
2. When i clone a new folder there are no problems with the file

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Mads Kiilerich [mailto:mads at] 
Verzonden: woensdag 9 juni 2010 16:06
Aan: Ivo van Halen - VI Company
CC: mercurial at
Onderwerp: Re: no match found after adding file

On 06/09/2010 03:13 PM, Ivo van Halen - VI Company wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a strange problem while updating Mercurial source controlled
> files. Everytime when I add a file to my repository and then update
> another location of the repository (for example with in CI process), the
> error "no match found" occures.

Can you cut'n'paste a full example?

Then when I remove to whole folder and
> clone it again there are no problems and the new added file(s) are
> there. Updating and removing doesnt give problems
> When I do "a" Verify the following is shown:
> data/test.txt.i at 54: missing revlog! 54: empty or missing test.txt
> test.txt at 54: b80de5d13875 in manifests not found 3 integrity errors
> encountered! (first damaged changeset appears to be 54)
> Any idea what could be causing this?

I assume that this is several different messages on different lines?

Mercurial reports a problem with the file .hg/store/data/test.txt.i . 
Perhaps something-other-than-Mercurial has done something to it?


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