"staging area"?

Daniel Carrera dcarrera at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 07:24:31 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Lester Caine <lester at lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> [snip]
> and projects that have run fine on CVS for 10+ years or more feel that they
> MUST move to something more modern. But it is at the expense of
> compatibility in general and the LOSS of facilities rather than improving
> them :(

Are you saying that Mercurial on Windows has missing features compared
to CVS on Windows? If so, that sounds like a big problem, but I'm
surprised. I would expect that if a project moved from CVS to
Mercurial, both Windows and Linux users would benefit.

> The TortoiseHg guys have done a good job, so much so that it IS the best way
> on Windows to handle git. I'm just pleading that a little more thought
> upstream to base stuff on a more cross compatible base would be nice ;)

Ah, butt is crecord really "upstream"? It is no part of the Mercurial
distribution. It's 3rd-party.

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