What exactly *is* a branch?

Mark A. Flacy mflacy at verizon.net
Thu Jun 24 15:29:43 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 16:32 +0200, Didly wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com>
> wrote:
>         >
>         > It's easy to test, so please try it! :-) You'll get this
>         warning when
>         > you do 'hg branch':
>         >
>         >   abort: a branch of the same name already exists (use
>         --force to override)
>         >
> I think that this error message is accurate but not very clear since
> it does not tell you the whole store (i.e. why this is potentially
> wrong).

Given that the command issuing the error is "hg branch", I do not
understand why you make that claim.

> What mercurial is trying to tell you is that the current branch is not
> part of the branch into which you want to commit.

What command are *you* writing about here?

> This is fine if the branch does not exist yet (since mercurial can
> assume that what you want to do is to create a branch at that point),
> but not if the branch already exists.

What if the changeset is in the "default" branch of a remote repository
and you want to put the pulled changeset into branch "mybranch" of your

Mark A. Flacy <mflacy at verizon.net>

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