Is it possible to merging revisions seletivelly from one branch into another

Didly didlybom at
Mon Jun 28 22:09:16 UTC 2010

2010/6/28 François Gannaz <francois.gannaz at>

> Le 2010-06-28, Angel Ezquerra <ezquerra at> a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to know if there is a way to select certain (non necessarily
> > contiguous) revisions from a branch and merge them into another.
> This practice is often called "cherry-picking".
> You can achieve this with the transplant extension.

Thank you Francois. That seems to be what I need!

I had heard about the transplant extension, but I did not understand the
difference between transplant and rebase. It seems that transplant "copies"
the selected revisions into another branch, while rebase "moves" them
instead, am I right?

However, the transplant documentation says that it is not too compatible
with merging, yet it describes a strategy that the author means "to
integrate into the transplant extension soon". Do you guys know if the
suggested change to the extension has already been done? That is, is it safe
to use merge after having used transplant on a branch?

Also, does the log somehow indicate transplanted extensions?


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