multiple commands, one process
Kastner Masilko, Friedrich
Kastner-Masilko at
Thu May 6 12:06:27 UTC 2010
> From: Benoît Allard [mailto:benoit at]
> Kastner Masilko, Friedrich wrote:
> >
> > AFAIK, there was an attempt to do a kind of "interactive"-extension in
> order to deal
> > with this use-case. Basically, it would allow someone to popen() e.g.
> "hg interactive"
> > and pipe-in commands like you would in a shell while collecting
> output.
> >
> Hmm, "hg serve" ?
> hg serve -v --debug
listening at http://**************:8000/ (bound to *:8000) - - [06/May/2010 13:49:32] code 400, message Bad request syntax ('log') - - [06/May/2010 13:49:32] "log" 400 -
"Serve" starts an internal web-server that uses Mercurial's HTTP protocol. You can't
simply open a socket and send "log<ENTER>" there, as the above dump demonstrates. You'd
have to use Mercurial's wire protocol in its HTTP incarnation to get what you want.
This is not the use-case as I understood it from the postings...
If I got that right, it could be as simple as that:
> hg interactive<ENTER> (or whatever)
Somefancyprompt: log<ENTER>
Somefancyprompt: branches<ENTER>
Somefancyprompt: outgoing<ENTER>
Somefancyprompt: ....
Somefancyprompt: interactive<ENTER>
Thank you for using the interactive extension. Have a nice day!
This way, you simply use Mercurial's CLI, but only one process. Maybe I missed something,
but AFAIK this is not possible with the web-server.
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