Feature: merge operation to merge against only other non-parent head when no rev given

Douglas Philips dgou at mac.com
Fri May 7 19:15:04 UTC 2010

On 2010 May 7, at 3:09 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Jesse Long  wrote:
> 	• If the parent of the working directory is a head, and the current  
> branch contains exactly one other head, then merge that other head.
> I don't like this. There are plenty of people who depend on the  
> existing behaviour, and this would be a substantial and surprising  
> change that would have negative consequences (branches  
> unintentionally getting merged).

Matt posted a similar message.

I have to say, I'm surprised and a little bit dismayed that merges are  
considered scary. Negative consequences? Really?

Isn't Mercurial supposed to be safe?
If a merge doesn't go the way you like, either rollback, or if that is  
too scary, pull again and redo the merge (or don't).

At least that is what I've been telling my coworkers for the past two+  
     Mercurial has your back. Don't be afraid to try things. Clones  
are cheap and fast.


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