Problem: how move a branch back to a previous revision?

Bram Moolenaar Bram at
Sat May 15 19:38:19 UTC 2010

I wrote:

> I'm not experienced with Mercurial.  Trying to follow the documentation
> I got myself in a situation where I don't know how to get out.
> For Vim there has always been the "default" branch.  This is the stable
> release.
> I now started work on a new, unstable version Vim 7.3.  For that I
> created a new branch "vim73".  I submitted a few changes, so far so
> good.
> Now a fix was made in the default branch: "Correct Japanese menus to
> avoid error while loading them after 7.2.432." I wanted to pick this up
> in the vim73 branch with "hg rebase".  That's where it went wrong.
> Now I have the changes from the vim73 branch on top of the default
> branch.  How to I go back, revert the last few revisions that shouldn't
> be there?
> You can see the current status here:
> Specifically, these commits should not be in the default branch, they
> belong to the "vim73" branch:
> - After recovery check if the text changed. If it did mark the buffer as
>   modified.
> - Get rid of the "extra" and "lang" archives.
> - Switched from autoconf 2.63 to 2.65.
> - Small fix for compiler warning in Netbeans.
> - First step in the Vim 7.3 branch. Changed version numbers.
> I tried quite a few commands I found in the docs, but nothing worked.
> Specifcally, I tried:
>           hg revert --all --rev 8a9d956f14
> Nothing happened.  Not even an error message.
> How to back out a few revisions?  Can't be difficult, but how???
> Help!

Well, I found a brute-force solution:
- Delete my local repository
- Make a new clone from the server
- hg revert --all --rev 2154
- hg commit
- hg push

I don't know what happened to my local repository that made "hg revert"

I think I'll stay away from "hg rebase" until it's clear what went
wrong.  I can use "hg merge" instead.  Not that nice, but works.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
39. You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you landscape.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram at --   \\\
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