Bug report

Dennis Brakhane brakhane at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 21 16:48:39 UTC 2010

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Tobias Dammers <tdammers at gmail.com> wrote:
> b) I may have accidentally pulled from a converted version of the repo
> into a pre-convert version, or vv. I think this explanation is more
> likely, IIRC it went something like this: 1. convert 2. clone to
> bitbucket 3. pull changes back from bitbucket. And I think step 3 may
> have used a different local clone than step 1. I also remember vaguely
> that hg asked me to merge somewhere during that process (without
> showing any conflicts, so I shrugged and said "OK").

That would certainly explain things.

I'm undecided whether this should actually considered a bug of convert or not.

On one hand, it can only be triggered when converting a repo that has
(at least) two branches whose roots differ only by changes to one file, while
all other files in that changeset as well as all other changes in all
other changesets
are identical.
I can see no way how such a repo might occur in real life, unless something
stupid (no offence) like the above was done by accident.

On the other hand, convert provides the filemap functionality and one could
argue that this implies that the corner case of two branches becoming equal
must be handled as well.

Opinions, anyone?

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