vcs for hefty video and graphics files

Harry Putnam reader at
Mon Nov 22 18:09:14 UTC 2010

I hope not to appear to be sneaking in a war of systems, and may rate
a bit a high in windbag factor since I've asked a very similar
question here but quite a while ago

I'd like to briefly describe my projected usage of a versioning system
and see what people here think in terms what system best suits to that

I'm a light weight semi-professional videographer but I have enough
going on to feel a need to keep track of and be able to rollback
versions of a project as it is being worked on

It would involve on any one projects something like 15 to 60 GB of
stuff to keep up with.  Large numbers of images and a dozen or 2 dozen
video files.  All in some stake of compression depending on the codex.

I'd like to keep a few version of say an Adobe Premier project with
all the attendant files that play a role in it.

Ditto for sets of Adobe After effects and attendant files.  And many
many images and compilation in various states of cutting or whatever

And then the whole project including the various Premier and After
effects sets and piles of captured video tape.  All in DV-avi format.

So versions inside versions and then repeated for different projects.

Each of which may have more than 1 version.

But cutting to the chase... assorted video and graphics files
amounting to between 15 - 60 GB in any one project

Each project would only run a month or 2 months at the most and then
all but the final delivered version would be deleted.  That version
might be keep for a yr or so.

I have some experience with cvs over quite a few yrs but still only a
homeboy user and not very skilled or knowledgeable about cvs and even
less with mercurial or git, where I do have some tiny bit of
experience too.

Which of the main contenders:  cvs subversion mercurial git bizarre 
Maybe  a few more I don't know about, would be the best candidate for
the usage and user described

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