Graph log - follow history across copies and renames

Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at
Sun Nov 28 00:20:24 UTC 2010

On 27 Nov 2010, at 4:49 PM, Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:

> I have a file renamed/moved at some point and I issue:
> hg glog my_file
> The log normally stops at the revision the file was renamed/moved. As far as I've observed the glog command doesn't have a --follow option as the normal log command has.  Is there a technical limitation the glog command doesn't have a --follow option, or it is just not implemented?

`hg glog` is really a shortcut for `hg log --graph`, so you should be able to do `hg log --graph --follow`. It looks like `hg glog` in 1.7.1 also takes revsets, so `hg glog -r ::.` is equivalent.

pacem in terris / mir / shanti / salaam / heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock

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