problem on OSX with repository in network shared partition

sbarex sbarex sbarex at
Mon Nov 29 15:10:50 UTC 2010

Hi, I'm starting to experience a few days mercurial but I have a big
I'm on a mac with OSX 10.6 with a remote disk mounted from a XServe (OSX
10.4) with afs protocol.
If I clone a repository form a local path (of directory inside a
usb/firewire HD) to a path in the network drive I get a defective copy:
- on the root of the repository I found a symlink named like
hg-checklink-Z0jTkj cross linked with current directory:
$ repository
$ ll
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 sbarex  staff   1 29 Nov 15:47 hg-checklink-Z0jTkj -> .
-rw-r--r--  1 sbarex  staff  79 29 Nov 15:40 file.txt

- if I make some changes on my files and call hg status, hg generate
anothers fake symblinks:
$ hg status
M file.txt
? hg-checklink-Z0jTkj
$ ll
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 sbarex  staff   1 29 Nov 15:47 hg-checklink-Z0jTkj -> .
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 sbarex  staff   1 29 Nov 15:50 hg-checklink-oETexs -> .
-rw-r--r--  1 sbarex  staff  79 29 Nov 15:48 file.txt

- I try to remove fake symlinks but every operations with hg regenerate
another one...
- if I try to remove a file, hg say me:
$ hg remove file.txt
waiting for lock on working directory of /Volumes/XRAID/Developer/repository
held by 'Mac-Pro-di-sbarex.local:45849'
and in .hg folder many wlock files are created...

I try with default osx python (2.6.1) and with python 2.6.6 installed with

If I clone the repository from local drive to the server (in the same remote
folder) but with ssh (so hg run on the server) the cloning works ok!
Buf if try to operate on this working copy with my local installation of hg
(version 1.7.1), will return the problem recreatink fake symlinks.
Same problem if I try to use TortoiseHG or MacHG.

Any solution for this my problem?!?

Many Thanks
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