The hgsubversion tagging schema.

罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) luoyonggang at
Mon Aug 8 13:34:27 UTC 2011

2011/8/8 Mads Kiilerich <mads at>

> On 08/08/2011 01:12 PM, 罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo)  wrote:
>>    The mercurial list is not for development stuff. It is for users of
>>    Mercurial. Mercurial development stuff should go to mercurial-devel.
>> That's why I post it here, I was asking users which kinds of tagging
>> schema they prefer, and also for developers, because they may give me
>> some suggestions.
>> The result is, I heard nothing, just blames. What's wrong with that?
> I can share with you what my thoughts was:
> The subject only mentions hgsubversion, and I'm sure that everybody not
> using hgsubversion assumed it was sent to the wrong list but didn't care.
> The first line mentions NewMeta, SvnMeta, MetaHgEditor, AutoHgEditor, and
> convert_rev_meta. I am a Mercurial core developer but have no idea what any
> of these are, and it isn't explained what any of them are.
> I also don't see what problem you are trying to solve and why it is
> relevant for me.
> I immediately deleted the mail - I guess most other readers of the list did
> the same.
> That message didn't provide any context (didn't quote the relevant parts),
> so it also had no use.
> A request for merge - obviuosly only relevant for hgsubversion developers.
> I guess that you - just like me - don't have English as the primary
> language. That means that we have to work harder to communicate and make us
> self understood when we contribute to a project using English. I'm afraid
> language problems have reduced the amount of feedback.
> But more important than langauge issues: If you are asking/discussing
> something that is relevant for the whole Mercurial community then you should
> phrase it in such a way that it seems relevant - and don't base it on
> subversion and hgsubversion.
> Cross-posting between mailing lists is a bad idea. Each mailing list has
> its own culture, and when cross-posting your mails will appear in different
> contexts and reach different audiences. People who reply will probably not
> be able to (or want to) post to a list where they not are members and don't
> know the culture, and the discussion will thus be split up. So if your mail
> is about hgsubversion then post to the hgsubversion list. If it is of
> general interest (and hgsubversion is just the context where you first saw
> the problem) then just post to a Mercurial list.
> Besides that: Augie (who is the hgsubversion lead) is on vacation for the
> next couple of weeks.
> /Mads
Ok, I understand, Indeed, because hgsubversion is just  one-time used tools,
not much people will using of it. That's why I cross-post it of mercurial, I
hope some-one ever used hgsubversion will give some feedback, but because of
my bad English or someone other reasons, no feedbacks, but other voices
appeared, Ineed, in bazaar community, the bzr-svn and bazaar is sharing the
same mailling list, maybe I was affected by that.
Indeed, for hgsubversion this kinds of tools, have an independent mailling
list is not an good idea, because of little users, and can not receive
enough user suggestions.

Yonggang Luo
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