eolext LF CRLF surprises.

Tom Udale tom at ionoptix.com
Wed Aug 31 13:29:41 UTC 2011

Hi Martin,

> Here, in other words:
> https://bitbucket.org/TomUdale/myhg/

Well, yes.  I guess that is more concise :)

> No problem -- the trick is that "::" at the end of a line turns the
> next block of text into a "literal block" with preformatted text. The
> "::" is in turn replaced with ":" in the output.
> The format of the help text is reStructuredText. There is
> documentation online:
> http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HelpStyleGuide
> http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html

Gaaa!  The ol' double colon.  I guessed that was escaping to get a
single colon.

I now see also what the mysterious double period before "note" is all
about: an explicit markup block.  Oh boy.

Thanks for the tips.  I will polish the help section a little.

Hopefully the new patterns will be found to be useful.

Best regards,


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