Taking the plunge...

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at web.de
Sun Dec 4 06:59:32 UTC 2011

Hi Steve, 

Am Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011, 19:26:37 schrieb Steve Dyer:
> My first task really was to work out a suitable SCM strategy, and supporting
> developer/release work flows.  I stumbled across a very good article on
> this very idea, which although focused on GIT, the concepts are perfect for
> how we work, and from the posts on that article this can work with
> Mercurial too.  My problem is I can't visualise how exactly, day to day,
> Mercurial fits into this strategy.  The article is here
> http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ 

If you want to replicate that branching model but make it a bit easier to keep 
in ones head, you can use named branches for the release branches and do the 
feature development with bookmarks. 

Essentially the model would change like this: 

* release branches are named branches. 

* You don’t need a seperate branch for tags (no master needed)

* Hotfixes can be done directly on the release branches. Do them on the 
*oldest* release where it is applicable and merge them into the others. 
Differently put: You don’t need an explicit hotfixes branch.

* The develop branch is just your default branch. 

* Feature branches can either be bookmarks (non-persistent) or named branches 
(persistent, so you can track for which feature a given change was done).

* Tags are just tags on the relevant release branch.


- master → unneeded: You add tags for minor releases on the release branch.
- hotfixes → unneeded: You fix on the release branch.

- release branches → named branches: hg branch <major release name>.
- develop → default (is always there).
- feature branches → either named branches (persistent: hg branch <feature>) 
or bookmarks (non-persistent: hg bookmark <feature>).

Best wishes, 
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