"sub repository" or svn:externals equivalents

Steve Dyer Steve.Dyer at homeserve.com
Sun Dec 4 13:13:23 UTC 2011

Hi, I have used a feature in the past with SVN which allowed me to in
effect relate two codebases together, whilst at the same time keeping
them separate, and that was through svn:external.  My deployed codebase
for example has a single root folder, in this case "app", and then under
that are 4 components, like this:











Now traditionally I would store the entire "live" folder and all of the
sub areas within my SMC repo, as I want to have the full live deployment
contained therein.  Obviously within things like the "logs" folder I
don't store away any files in the SCM, its really just the folder
structure for some of these that I am storing.  The scripts contains all
the key configuration files required for example, so in that case the
folder and contents is getting stored away in the SCM.  However the pcu,
pcw and pin directories, whilst they do contain masses of actual source
code required to run the application,  this code is part of a secondary
framework, that generally is not under a change program.  We have the
code so that we can change it, but realistically it is pretty static.
The main focus for our teams is the "ensura" folder.  


In the interests of trying to trim down the day to day repository of
change, I was thinking of somehow hiving off the static elements of the
codebase, i.e. everything except the ensura folder.  But at the same
time I want the whole collection under SCM somewhere.  If I'm
remembering right, and it has been a few years now, in SVN I could have
the different elements in different repositories, but linked together so
that if I were to checkout the top level element, for example when
building a deployment, it would pull down all the related projects too
to give me the complete story.  Equally in day to day operation, I could
just be working with the core element i.e. ensura without needing to
drag it all down.


Is this achievable in Mercurial, or am I best just throwing it all in





Steven Dyer
Design Authority (Europe & New Business)


+44 (0) 1922 651 056
+44 (0) 7595 712 309
http://www.homeserve.com <http://www.homeserve.com> 



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