Lost local updates

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Thu Dec 8 08:03:11 UTC 2011


I see statements that say that local updates are never lost when updating, but 
I'd be interested in a show of hands on who HAS lost updates while they were 
adapting to this new method of working. It's all very well saying it does not 
happen, but I still see the occasional problem and can't explain why. Are others 
also having the same sort of problem which happened a few times for me until I 
sorted my current work flow ... which includes NOT pulling stuff to the a 
working local copy until I'm happy that commits from others are no clashing with 
my own work.

I AM running all of this via TortoiseHg which may be adding something into the 
equation, and I occasionally pass by MercurialEclipse to see how things are 
going there, Having to drop back to command line is not something I have any 
desirer to use. I never used CVS from the command line, and that works perfectly 
still in Eclipse ;)

It may be that problems I encountered in the past have been fixed, but I'm not 
ready to relax things just yet, and posts that someone HAS lost work just 
reinforces that stand. I'd just like to get back to that level of confidence 
sometime in the future.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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