Problem using subrepos

eric.m.lafrance at eric.m.lafrance at
Wed Jun 1 20:07:30 UTC 2011


"BatchFileOutput.txt" contains the output of each significant command in 
my test batch file.

"PullingLibBeforeUpdate.txt" shows the output when I run "hg pull -u" in 
"proj/lib" before updating "proj" (line 68 in my test batch file).

Eric Lafrance
Software Developper
ABB Bomem Inc.
Phone: +1 418 877 2944 ext.444
Telefax: +1 418 877 2834 
email: eric.m.lafrance at

Mads Kiilerich <mads at> 
06/01/2011 02:27 PM

Eric M Lafrance/CAABB/ABB at ABB_CAABB
mercurial at
Re: Problem using subrepos

On 06/01/2011 08:20 PM, Eric M Lafrance wrote:
> I have attached some new files related to this problem:
> - testsubrepo.txt: My updated test batch file, with relative paths and
> forward slashes instead of backslashes, and more debug info when I
> update "proj" at line 68.
> - errorMessageUpdate.txt: The error message when I run "call hg --debug
> --traceback update" in my test script, at line 68
> - Bash script subrepos.txt: Ry4an's bash equivalent of my batch file.
> This one works.
> If there is some more things you'd like to see, I'll try to generate 

Please show us the output from your script - preferably with "echo on" 
so the commands and their output is interleaved.


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