Pushing to remote repository

Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at ringworld.org
Wed Jun 8 20:56:37 UTC 2011

On Jun 8, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Maarten B. wrote:

> I already created my own self signed certificates. According to what I read in that tutorial, I think I did. I can access my website and have to accept the certificate. But still, i can not clone or push.

When you visit your repo URL in a browser, do you see hgweb? i.e. something that looks like http://selenic.com/hg/ and not like an Apache auto-generated DirectoryIndex?

> Fails because the server blocked the push.

What's the exact error message?

> I'm not allowed to connect when I try to push or clone.

Not allowed to connect? as in, it times out or says "connect() failed" or something similar? That suggests a problem outside hg/hgweb.

pacem in terris / mir / shanti / salaam / heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock

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