Mercurial 1.8.3 released!

Nicolas Dumazet nicdumz at
Sun May 1 13:03:53 UTC 2011

2011/5/1 Daniel Carrera <dcarrera at>:
> because that's where I have my current version of Mercurial. I want to put
> it in /home/daniel/.local, so this is what I did:
> export PREFIX=/home/daniel/.local
> make all
> make install
> But it still tries to install to /usr/local:
> :-(

Remember, it's make, so you need to pass PREFIX to the target differently:
make PREFIX=~/bar install-bin

I just tried that on 1.8.3, and it works just fine.

Anyway, to install to your ~/.local , distutils has a neat --user
option to their install target.
I usually do:
   python install --user
when I do not want to make this install a system-wide install.

(Of course, make sure to add ~/.local/bin to your PATH after that...)

Nicolas Dumazet — NicDumZ

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