Returning to hgwebdir.cgi and subdirectories ...

Lester Caine lester at
Thu May 5 11:16:54 UTC 2011

Martin Geisler wrote:
> It does -- you can list repositories recursively and so both
>    http://server/foo
> and
>    http://server/foo/sub
> work for browsing, clone, push, pull, etc.

The recursion is not the problem ... is a super-project and shows all the sub-repo's but lists all of them 
at the top level.

So what I'm trying to nail down is opening 'bitweaver' at the top level so it 
displays the sub-repo's. Ideally I want a few of these sub-repo's to be 
super-projects in their own right ... although it does seem that I may have to 
rebuild the project structure that works perfectly in CVS and pull some of these 
sub-modules apart. should have a number 
of options for icon and theme packages which can be selected from. The problem I 
think is managing the 'files' in the bitweaver level in parallel with the 
subrepos at the same level.

It is this problem I need to nail down with hg-git messing this up as well since 
it will not allow the --suprepos to work properly ... but that is just another 
problem to solve. Currently I CAN at least manually push and pull each subrepo 
to github.

I'm slowly working on a crib sheet to detail how to build my own setup so that I 
CAN recreate it, but it's not ready to publish yet.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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