2 heads but "nothing to merge"

Tony Mechelynck antoine.mechelynck at gmail.com
Mon May 16 14:10:54 UTC 2011

On 16/05/11 12:09, aivarannamaa wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an old branch, which is markerd as inactive, but as its name is
> "default" it gets in the way every time when i clone the repo. How can I get
> rid of this head? Here's some info about the situation (I want to get rid of
> head 369):

I see you already got two answers, but maybe it would be useful to 
specify a "merge tool" in order to make sure that any differences are 
resolved in favour of the present code head? IIUC, either

hg up default
hg merge -t internal:other code
hg commit -m 'merge code & default'


hg up code
hg merge -t internal:local default
hg commit -m 'merge code & default'

Best regards,
Cold, adj.:
	When the politicians walk around with their hands in their own

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