Wish: clone to master bookmark und stay on bookmark on update

Snidely snidely.too at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 19:15:46 UTC 2011

On Oct 10, 11:45 am, Sean Farley <s... at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> > I think I still don’t really understand. Do you want to hide that you added
> > a
> > head?
> Basically, yes. I want to hide heads that are on bookmarks. If a head is not
> bookmarked, then definitely show it (like it currently does). This, I
> believe, maintains what mercurial does now, just adds some clarity for
> developers that want to share bookmarks.
> > What I’d still like to have, is that they also see master, if they update
> > while on revision without bookmark which has master as descendent.
> I don't quite understand this.

At the risk of making this a bigger thing than either of you want,
perhaps a couple of "log schematics" might be helpful in illustrating
both sides ...

Maybe like the ones in

I kinda know what each of you are getting at; such a diagram would
firm things up.

(you often see them in rebase threads, too)


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