hg static: easily upload your hg repo as website via FTP

Tom Anderson tom.anderson at e2x.co.uk
Fri Oct 21 10:20:38 UTC 2011

On 20 October 2011 18:41, Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_bab at web.de> wrote:

> $ hg help static
> hg static [options] [folder]
> Create a static copy of the repository and/or upload it to an FTP server.

I just pulled the latest version (to /tmp/hgstatic). Then i created
and exported a small test site:

$ hg init furarne
$ cd furarne/
$ date >date
$ hg add
adding date
$ hg add
$ hg commit -m 'added date'
$ whoami >whoami
$ hg add
adding whoami
$ hg commit -m 'added whoami'
$ lsb_release >lsb_release
$ hg add
adding lsb_release
$ hg commit -m 'added lsb_release'
$ hg log
changeset:   2:9e863c971350
tag:         tip
user:        admin at e2x-dev-01
date:        Fri Oct 21 11:05:43 2011 +0100
summary:     added lsb_release

changeset:   1:70292607e021
user:        admin at e2x-dev-01
date:        Fri Oct 21 11:05:22 2011 +0100
summary:     added whoami

changeset:   0:0f002e97ad08
user:        admin at e2x-dev-01
date:        Fri Oct 21 11:05:05 2011 +0100
summary:     added date

$ echo -e "[extensions]\nstatic = /tmp/hgstatic/site.py" >.hg/hgrc
$ hg site /tmp/furarne.site
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 3 files

The output is here:


Some observations:

* The changelog (and full changelog) omits revision 0
* The links to subdirectories are to the directory rather than the
index.html; this is fine on a web server, but fails if i look at the
export locally through a file:// URL, because Firefox shows a
directory listing

It's definitely cool, though - thanks! You can easily imagine lots
more features you could add (annotations, per-file history, lists of
tags), which i am sure you are already doing.

One suggestion: could you make the link from the /commit/*.html pages
to the /src/*/[index.html] pages more obvious? It took me a while
before i realised could see the source of the tree at each changeset.


Tom Anderson         |                e2x Ltd, 1 Norton Folgate, London E1 6DB
(e) tom at e2x.co.uk    |    (m) +44 (7960) 989794    |    (f) +44 (20) 7100 3749

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