link changesets and issue#

Benoît Allard benoit at
Wed Sep 21 09:31:49 UTC 2011

On 9/20/2011 9:44 PM, Greg Ward wrote:
> 2011/9/20 Benoît Allard<benoit at>:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm looking for a tool that is able to link changesets and issues. My final
>> goal is to be able to get all the issues that have been fixed between two
>> changesets. Thus something that walk the DAG, fetch for each changeset the
>> corresponding issue reference and output the list of solved issues.
>> I can't believe that I'm the first man on earth ever needing something like
>> that.
> You're not. I've cooked up an rather complex set of tools at work for
> doing exactly what you want in the context of our workflow. I call it
> "Job Security Toolkit 1.0".  (Ha ha! Just kidding. It's all well
> documented and tested... it's just that it takes a special kind of
> person to really enjoy this kind of thing.)

Hi Greg,

I'm glad I asked, thanks a lot for the detailed answer which exactly 
covers my question. I'll definitively have a look at your extension and 
try to make the best out of it.

You'll certainly hear from me.


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