vendor tracking design flow

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at
Fri Aug 31 12:03:54 UTC 2012

Neal Becker wrote:

> I'm pretty happy with my current flow.  The objective is to track an upstream
> package, but apply a few of my own patches.
> Currently, I have 2 named branches:
> vendor: (upstream)
> default: (with my patches)
> With each new release of vendor-x.y.tar.gz, the flow is:
> tar xzf .... (extract new files, into directory vendor-x.y for example)
> cd default-repo (goto my current repo)
> hg update default  <<<< This should be update vendor!
> cd ..
> cp -al default-repo/.hg vendor-x.y
> cd vendor-x.y
> hg addremove
> hg ci
> hg update default
> I guess I'm just wondering:
> 1) Is there some 'better' way to accomplish this?
> 2) I'm a little bothered that it goes 'outside the system', using cp -al
> blah/.hg.  It would be nice to have something entirely within hg, like:
> hg new-source vendor vendor-x.y.tar.gz

Sorry, there was a typo there (as Simon pointed out) - that should be update to 
vendor branch, as I indicated with the <<<< above

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