Notify extension: mail server capability problem?

Yannick CHARLES yannick.charles at
Fri Dec 14 11:53:03 UTC 2012

Hello everybody!

I have the following error message when pushing on a distant repository
that has a changegroup notify hook:

remote: error: changegroup.02notify hook failed: SMTP AUTH extension not
supported by server.

After a bit of search, I deduce that notify/Mercurial requests the mail
server to use some extension, but the server isn't set to do so, so the
transaction fails.
Is there something I can do on client side, that is, modifying Mercurial
settings on the Mercurial server, but without touching SMTP server
settings? Both mail server and Mercurial server are on a local network, so
there shouldn't be security issues.

Best regards,
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