broke my .hgsubstate file

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Mon Jan 9 16:45:32 UTC 2012

On 01/09/2012 05:17 PM, Julius Ziegler wrote:
> Hello,
> I somehow broke my .hgsubstate file. For the last commit it shows this
> diff:
> -a74fa9fd8a84971528ec1cfabf79f31232bc5b95 raw_extract
> -1761c8cf18b83d501e1dc5fc08b5d017406afbcd record_button
> + raw_extract
> +7bd38916165ab1f19392ba38e6c8d8691248cdec record_button
> What does the empty revision for subrepo raw_extract mean? I cannot
> update to this bad revision, the error
> 00changelog.i@: ambiguous identifier
> comes up. I managed to "branch around" this bad commit, but it is
> annoying that I cannot update to the bad commit for the purpose of
> pruning the bad branch.
> As always, it is kind of hard for me to retrace how I got into this
> situation (that diff is not helping me either)!
> Any ideas what went wrong, or how I can fix this?

I guess you used an old Mercurial with a bug that now has been fixed?

Revisions with the bad .hgsubstate will however remain poisonous 
forever, unless you do some kind of tricky surgery to remove it.


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