HgSubversion pull doing nothing (much)

Augie Fackler lists at durin42.com
Wed Jan 18 15:24:36 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Tom Anderson
<tom.anderson at timgroup.com> wrote:
> Hi again everyone,
> Is this the right place to ask about HgSubversion? I seem to remember it is.

Not really. You want hgsubversion at googlegroups.

> My place of work uses Subversion. I would like to use Mercurial on my
> machine, so i can have local commits and other good things. Accordingly, i
> am trying to use HgSubversion. However, things are not working brilliantly -
> pulls go incredibly slowly, and after a while, my machine crashes.

Your /machine/ crashes? On the level of a kernel panic or something?
I'd guess you have bad RAM or something in that case, I don't see how
a user-space app like hgsubversion could have anything to do with
crashing your hardware.

> I am on Ubuntu 11.04 natty, but have Mercurial and HgSubversion from 11.10
> Oneiric, as the Natty ones are ancient: Mercurial is 1.9.1-1ubuntu0.1,
> HgSubversion is 1.2.1-2.1ubuntu0.1.
> My ~/.hgrc says:
> [ui]
> username = Tom Anderson <tom.anderson at timgroup.com>
> [extensions]
> graphlog =
> hgsubversion =
> And my project's .hg/hgrc says:
> [paths]
> default = http://srcctrl.youdevise.com/opt/repo/projects/TIM
> (those are all actual values - i don't think they give anything confidential
> away!)
> I took the approach of creating an empty repository, setting up an svn
> remote, and pulling. I did that because i suspected that i would not be able
> to get the whole thing in a single clone. That got me some of the way: after
> a couple of overnight pull runs, i have 4956 changesets. The most recent one
> is from february 2011, so there are more to come; probably another few
> thousand.
> However, when i run 'hg pull', i see "pulling from
> http://srcctrl.youdevise.com/opt/repo/projects/TIM", but then nothing else.
> In the morning, either the pull is still running, and some output has been
> produced, or my machine has crashed.
> What should i expect to see, and how quickly should i expect to see it?

Depends on the repo size. Large repos take a long long time to pull.

> Any idea how i can diagnose why the pull is slow?

Subversion is a basketcase when it comes to giving the right information.

> Any idea why my machine is crashing?
> Bonus question: is there any way to tell what Subversion revision number a
> given changeset corresponds to?

hg log --debug, or (slightly better) hg log --template '{node|short} = {svnrev}'

> Now, some people here use Git for local work, having pulled the Subversion
> repo into Git. Extra bonus question: if i convert one of those Git
> repositories to Mercurial, will the changeset IDs be the same as if i had
> used HgSubversion?


> Thanks,
> tom
> --
> Tom Anderson | Developer | +44 20 7826 4312 | timgroup.com
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