How to let Mercurial treat local repositories as ordinary files

Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at
Thu Jul 12 18:12:57 UTC 2012

On 12 Jul 2012, at 12:47 PM, Markus wrote:

>  - a conventional [bare bones] backup system  {eg. rsync  {thanks to Jeff's tutorial}}
>      - offers me
>          - file metadata management
>          - truth wrt subdirectory content
>      - does not offer me
>          - built-in expertise in redundancy reduction
>            {I have to fiddle out myself, how to handle hardlinks in a
>             clever way}

Where on earth did you get that impression? _Any_ decent backup tool (even GNU cp) can use hardlinks to reduce the size of the backup pool.

>          - efficient access to the change history
>            {I have to write the algorithms to find out, what changed
>             when myself}

Again, any decent backup system can tell you at the file level exactly what changed. If you want source-level change tracking, well, that's why you're using hg for source control, right? And a backup tool will back up Mercurial repos just as well as any other file.

> Somehow, I have the feeling to work on the Assembler level, when using
> bare bones backup support systems {eg. rsync}: I have more control and
> I'm forced to do it.  With a [distributed] version managment system,
> I'm on a higher level and get more expertise [eg. wrt distribution,
> workflow, redundancy mgmt.] built-in, but also some magic and a
> certain price to pay for hardware ressources.
> Special purpose backup solutions in the best case can be the most
> comforable [when I found the product, which exactly does, what I
> want], but certainly the most restricting in possible (usage
> scenaria)|workflows. 
> Up to now, it was an illuminative discussion on backup solutions, but
> I still only see very few light wrt my original simple little
> question.  

I'm still not sure what your exact requirements are that an existing backup solution wouldn't fit.

pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / ‎‫سَلاَم‬ / 平和
Kevin R. Bullock

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