Enabling the GuestRepo extension

Ken Halprin khalprin at autosoln.com
Fri Oct 19 18:10:25 UTC 2012

OK.that got me going.




From: paul_nathan at selinc.com [mailto:paul_nathan at selinc.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 11:32 AM
To: Ken Halprin
Cc: mercurial at selenic.com; mercurial-bounces at selenic.com
Subject: RE: Enabling the GuestRepo extension


mercurial-bounces at selenic.com wrote on 10/19/2012 06:12:21 AM:

> From: "Ken Halprin" <khalprin at autosoln.com> 
> To: <mercurial at selenic.com>, 
> Date: 10/19/2012 06:12 AM 
> Subject: RE: Enabling the GuestRepo extension 
> Sent by: mercurial-bounces at selenic.com 
> docs  = ssh://servername//hg/projectfoo/docs 
> src  = ssh://servername//hg/projectfoo/src 
> and .hgguestrepo might look like this: 
> docs = non-source/docs           v1.0 
> # My awesome dev branch for 1.1 
> src      = projectfoo/src                v1.1_dev_branch 
> As for setup.py: this represents a fail on my part. It shouldn't be 
> there right now.  It is part of a linux install package. 
> To get it going, in your Mercurial.ini/hgrc files, under the 
> [extensions] block 
> guestrepo=c:\path\to\grdownload 
> should do it. 
> *Please* do not hesitate to file bugs on our Bitbucket repo or in 
> any way reach out. I promise to reply. :-) 
> - - -
> Regards,
> Paul Nathan 
> Thanks Paul, 
> I've made some progress, but I'm not there yet and I guess I don't 
> know what to expect. I've gotten Mercurial to recognize the 
> GuestRepo extension, and setup a small test. 
> I have a guest repo here, with a revision tagged as "v1.0" 
> C:\users\username\scm\guest 
> I have the main repo here 
> C:\users\username\scm\main 
> The main's .hgguestrepo contains 
> myguest = shared\proto v1.0 
> The main's .hggrmapping contains 
> myguest = C:\users\username\scm\guest 
> I can clone my main repo fine. If I run "hg grpull", I see the message 
> abort: Could not resolve guest repo mapping shared\proto 
> Why do I get that error? 
> What should happen with the pull? 
> Thanks, 
> Ken 
>  _______________________________________________
> Mercurial mailing list
> Mercurial at selenic.com
>  <http://selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial>

Hi Ken, 

Wow, I biffed it good there. I got the guestrepo file messed up.   Clearly I
need to put some time into GR docs. :-) 

I just worked out an example on my local linux box: 

foo = ../dest 

src/dest = foo tip 

This will look for a repo ../dest and clone it down into src/dest, updating
it to 'tip' on grupdate. 

- - -
Paul Nathan 

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