Case Folding check on a file that wasn't changed

Chuck.Kirschman at Chuck.Kirschman at
Mon Sep 24 19:45:51 UTC 2012

I have a case where a user has re-added a file that was deleted by someone a week or so ago, but added the new one with a slightly different case.  (This user didn't even know about the previous file.)  A second user has a source tree that is a few weeks old so it contains the original file.  He made some changes to other files, but didn't touch the deleted/added file.  Later when he went to merge with the modified repository containing the delete/add, the merge failed with "abort: case-folding collision between A.txt and a.txt".  Below is a test case that demonstrates the problem.  Is there some way to get out of this unmergable state?  Since User 2 didn't touch the file, why is it being reported as a merge problem?


hg init

echo x > a
hg add a
hg ci -m"adding a"

hg rm a
hg ci -m"removing a"

echo x > A
hg add A
hg ci -m"adding A"

hg up -r 0

echo x > b
hg add b
hg ci -m"adding b"

hg merge

REM:  abort: case-folding collision between A and a

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