Push races

Roger Kratz Roger.Kratz at teleopti.com
Wed Sep 26 18:45:22 UTC 2012


We are around 25 developers using Hg as a VCS for our software. We have a main repo with ~3 live named branches/releases. New features are created on separate clones. Bugs are corrected on main on the "oldest" release and then merged to newer releases and default.

Bugs tends to be reported many at a time (we have internal "test days") and therefore bugs tends to be solved concentrated to a few days a month. Often this leads to "push races", developer A and B (and maybe C) tries to integrate their bug fixes (while locally merging the fix between the release branches) at the same time. This may lead to a "push race" and developer needs to pull down latest and do the merges between the named branches again.

How do you other hg users solve this in mid sized (or large sized) companies? The daily work with PBI:s is, as said, done on separate clones which pretty much eliminates this problem - but how about bugs?


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