New maintainer for the Kick Start guide

Martin Geisler martin at
Sun Apr 14 10:57:42 UTC 2013

Hi everybody,

After I stopped working at aragost Trifork, I've been doing a bad job of
maintaining the Mercurial Kick Start guide I wrote while working there.
I think it would be good if someone could take over as maintainer.

The maintainer job mainly consists of

* Merging pull requests and uploading new builds. Here you'll probably
  need to explain ReST syntax errors to the translators.

* Updating the version of Mercurial used when new versions are released.
  That is pretty easy since the Mercurial output is so stable between

Building the HTML currently requires a Linux environment.

The repository is here:

We can keep using the old URL for the guide

even though I don't work there any longer. If necessary, I think we can
make a CNAME for some other host.

Let me know if anybody is interested in helping out!

Martin Geisler
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