"hg archive" with remote URL
Kastner Masilko, Friedrich
kastner-masilko at at.festo.com
Thu Aug 8 16:22:31 UTC 2013
> From: Mutlu Dogruel [mailto:mutludogruel at gmail.com]
> I agree, but not everyone may want to keep a web server only for this reason, especially if your code is already on Bitbucket.
> We use Bitbucket but it does not allow the use of curl/wget with private/public key authentication at the moment. This works:
> curl --digest --user my_name:my_password https://bitbucket.org/user/repo/get/master.zip -o master.zip
> But it's not very ideal to supply a user name & password from your customer's machine. A project specific private key that can
> be revoked later is the way to go IMHO.
Or just create a BB account for your customer and revoke access for this user to your repo later on. Compared to forcing your customer to install a DVCS, this is a much simpler solution IMHO.
Or do you perhaps struggle with the 5 user free account limitation? If so, I'd suggest purchasing a plan and paying BB for their service. Maybe a suggestion of having private/public key authentication for archive downloads will then have a chance of making it through, too.
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