UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte... errorson OS XX

Matthias Pigulla mp at webfactory.de
Fri Aug 23 20:26:02 UTC 2013

>Maybe something like this:
>diff -r 6ac206fb6f27 mercurial/i18n.py
>--- a/mercurial/i18n.py	Thu Aug 15 21:36:53 2013 -0400
>+++ b/mercurial/i18n.py	Fri Aug 23 11:48:43 2013 -0500
>@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@
>     if message is None:
>         return message
>+    if message.startswith('@'):
>+        print "whoa!", message
>+    frame = sys._getframe(1)
>+    pos = "@%s:%s\n" % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
>+    message = pos + message
>     paragraphs = message.split('\n\n')
>     # Be careful not to translate the empty string -- it holds the
>     # meta data of the .po file.

Awesome - that did the trick.

It was the fold extension
2b5e9ca2/fold.py?at=default#cl-974) that was somehow installed on my
system in a way that the suggested HGRCPATH= env variable kept it
activated (!?!).

Now it's gone and it seems to work.

Thanks a lot to everyone involved!


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