Combining DVCS with version-stamped-assets : Is Largefiles the way to go? Or something else?

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Wed Dec 4 15:48:34 UTC 2013

It sounds like you want to deploy build artifacts to an asset management
system like Artifactory.  Build tools such as Gradle (awesome - use it),
Maven, Ant+Ivy, etc. all have support for that sort of thing.  The only
part you would need to hack on would be the creation and commit of your
wget script file as part of artifact deployment mechanism.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Warren Postma <wpostma at> wrote:

> Here is the workflow I would like to enable for a team:
> 1.  They would have a primary Mercurial repo that contains only source
> code and no binaries. (Conventional for most people, but a novelty for
> people conventionally used to using Subversion to store giant binary blobs)
> 2. When a build step produces a set of binaries, the build system (let's
> say it's a variant of the ANT tool from java) will gain an archive step
> that can store the binary set that is associated with a particular
> mercurial revision's node hash (hex), such as:
> 3.  I would like my build system to be able to up load to a NON MERCURIAL
> SERVER http server and then store into the hg repo working dir a text file
> containing just a URL, and a wget command, like this, to a file named
> "get_binaries":
>             wget


> Is there some other tool that integrates with Mercurial and provides a
> clean separation from Sources Stored In Repo and Resulting Output Archival
> storage?
> Warren Postma
It sounds like you want to deploy build artifacts to an asset management
system like Artifactory.  Build tools such as Gradle (awesome - use it),
Maven, Ant+Ivy, etc. all have support for that sort of thing.  They Gradle
and Maven, at least, have "release" tasks that will tag your repo, build
your code, and upload your binary.  The only part you would need to hack on
would be the creation and commit of your wget script file as part of
artifact deployment mechanism.  For such customizations, Gradle is likely
going to be the most capable tool.

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