Newb question: placing .hg on network

David Spitzley dspitzle at
Mon Dec 9 16:36:51 UTC 2013

I've looked around online and tried searching the list archives, but I'm having trouble parsing an answer to my question if there is one.  I'm working with Laravel on Windows 7 with IIS (probably immaterial in this case), I'm trying to set up my first repository to track my application files (C:\inetpub\laravel\app), and would like the .hg folder to be stored on my network drive (H:\) so that it gets backed up.  What do I need to do to either override or work around Mercurial's default behavior of placing .hg in the root of the folder I'm versioning so that the repository winds up in H:\.hg rather than C:\intepub\laravel\app\.hg?
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