Unrequested primary key being added in migration
David Spitzley
dspitzle at wash.k12.mi.us
Wed Dec 11 15:29:07 UTC 2013
I've got a Schema::create in my migration which is resulting in two primary key requests (and a consequent crash of the migration process), and I don't have a clue as to why. In the create request I specifically ask for 'id' to be a primary key, but the --pretend readout shows that the 'zip' field is also generating a primary key request. Any recommendation for killing this bug? Here's the Schema command and the subsequent --pretend output.
Schema::create('family_addresses', function($table)
EphyFamilyTables: create table `family_addresses` (`id` int unsigned not null, `primary_id` int unsigned null, `family_id` int unsigned null, `occupancy_date` date not null, `living_situation_id` int unsigned not null, `homelessness_reason_id` int unsigned not null, `note` text null, `address` varchar(255) null, `city` varchar(255) null, `state` varchar(2) null, `zip` int null auto_increment primary key, `district_id` varchar(255) null, `user_id` int unsigned not null, `created_at` timestamp default 0 not null, `updated_at` timestamp default 0 not null, `deleted_at` timestamp null) default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add constraint family_addresses_family_id_foreign foreign key (`family_id`) references `families` (`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add constraint family_addresses_living_situation_id_foreign foreign key (`living_situation_id`) references `living_situations` (`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add constraint family_addresses_homelessness_reason_id_foreign foreign key (`homelessness_reason_id`) references `homelessness_reasons` (`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add constraint family_addresses_district_id_foreign foreign key (`district_id`) references `districts` (`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add constraint family_addresses_user_id_foreign foreign key (`user_id`) references `users` (`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add primary key family_addresses_id_primary(`id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add index family_addresses_primary_id_index(`primary_id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add index family_addresses_family_id_index(`family_id`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add index family_addresses_zip_index(`zip`)
EphyFamilyTables: alter table `family_addresses` add index family_addresses_district_id_index(`district_id`)
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