File History vs. Path History

Paul Mensonides pmenso57 at
Sat Jan 19 08:17:31 UTC 2013

Hi all.

Is it possible to extract a history for a particular file as opposed to a 
particular path?  For example,

  hg init repo
  cd repo

  # 0
  touch A
  hg add A
  hg ci -m "added A"

  # 1
  hg mv A B
  hg ci -m "moved A to B"

  # 2
  touch A
  hg add A
  hg ci -m "added (new) A"

If I now say

  hg log A

the output refers to revision 0 which seems bizarre to me.  The lifetime 
of A in the working copy began at revision 2, not revision 0.

Is it possible to extract a history of a particular file instead--i.e. the 
first A independently from the second (unrelated) A?

      0          1          2
  +-------+  +-------+
  |  A A  |--| *R A  |  +-------+
  +-------+  | *A B  |--|  C B  |-->
             +-------+  |  A A  |-->

If I instead say

  hg log --removed A

the output refers to all three revisions which is not what I want either.

The same thing appears to happen without the actual move.

  # 3
  touch C
  hg add C
  hg ci -m "added C"

  # 4
  hg rm C
  hg ci -m "removed C"

  # 5
  touch C
  hg add C
  hg ci -m "added (new) C"

The output of

  hg log C

refers to revision 3 (similar to above).

      0          1          2          3          4          5
  +-------+  +-------+
  |  A A  |--| *R A  |  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
  +-------+  | *A B  |--|  C B  |--|  C B  |--|  C B  |--|  C B  |-->
             +-------+  |  A A  |--|  C A  |--|  C A  |--|  C A  |-->
                        +-------+  |  A C  |--|  R C  |  |       |
                                   +-------+  +-------+  |  A C  |-->

Explicitly, what I actually need (wian) is all changesets which are 
descendants of a particular changeset which affect a particular file (with 
a --follow variation).  E.g.

hg wian -r 0 A
   => changesets 0 and 1

hg wian -r 1 B
   => changeset 1

hg wian -r 2 A
   => changeset 2

hg wian -r 3 C
   => changesets 3 and 4

hg wian -r 5 C
   => changeset 5

Is this possible with the current command set?  If not, does the 
repository actually contain the information necessary to do this?  
Specifically, in the latter, are copies and moves actually tracked or are 
they just implied?

Paul Mensonides

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