evolve: take changes to one file out of a changeset

Greg Ward greg at gerg.ca
Thu Jan 24 18:44:52 UTC 2013

On 24 January 2013, Sean Farley said:
> > (Oh yeah: I'm using Mercurial 2.4.2+8-7648b87e76db because evolve
> > doesn't work with 2.5rc. ;-( evolve.py is from changeset f727ebe6ffd5,
> > current stable, in https://bitbucket.org/marmoute/mutable-history.)
> Not an answer to your original question, but the default branch of
> mutable-history works with 2.5rc … so you can use that?

Good to know. I had problems the other day, and was going to report
them next. I've updated both hg and mutable-history now, and
everything seems to be working so far! Thanks --

Greg Ward                            http://www.gerg.ca
<greg at gerg.ca>                       @gergdotca

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