large repository access

Franklin Siler fsiler at
Wed Oct 16 04:07:38 UTC 2013

On Oct 14, 2013, at 10:34 , "Kastner Masilko, Friedrich" <kastner-masilko at> wrote:

>> From: Franklin Siler [mailto:fsiler at]
>> Similar in some ways, yes, but it's basically doing file tracking on a
>> working copy.  What I'm looking for is a way to access the files stored
>> in a repository without ever checking out a working copy.
> OK, just to be sure now: does the repository reside physically on the same machine you try to access the files with? And do you mean direct access via standard OS file I/O to the contents of a specific file?
> If the first question is answered with yes, IMHO  the most practical way to achieve access to a subset of a working copy is via the file-system as temporary memory. For this there are various ways, with the two proposals (cat and revert) being perhaps the most prominent ones. If the second question is also a clear yes, I think there is a big problem: no standard OS file I/O takes versions into account. Some exotic file systems may do so, but not over standard commands.
> Would it capture your initial idea, if the workflow would be as follows:
> 1. Get a bare repository in e.g. /repos/test, with the only directory there being the .hg folder.
> 2. Via OS infrastructure and driver (be it kernel- or userspace), mount a specific version from /repos/test under e.g. /repos/rev<HASH> with something like the Linux command "mount /repos/test /repos/rev10 -t hgfs -o revision=<HASH>".
> 3. Every file I/O to a path under /repos/rev<HASH> will directly access the appropriate file/directory in the repository /repos/test at revision <HASH>.

Very close.  I'd propose instead a use case as something like:
% cd hgdir
% ls .* *
% hgfuse -r tip
% ls
currentfile.txt    test.txt
% cat "blah" > test2.txt
cat: Read-only file system
% hgfuse -r 4
hgfuse: had mounted tip, now mounting revision 4
% ls
currentfile.txt    test.txt     filethatgetsdeletedlater

Does that make sense?

> 4. While for read operations this might be easy, for write an implicit commit would have to be done (at least on a sync). If the later is too hard to do, simply make the mount an implicit read-only.

To start, I want to get reads working.  I think commits could be implemented relatively easily by creating the equivalent of a union filesystem to store changes, then committing those.

>> From: Franklin Siler [mailto:fsiler at]
>> it seems like a possibility; are you aware of any fixed file size
>> limits or anything like that?  A quick search of Bugzilla didn't reveal
>> anything directly on point.

I'm very familiar with this page; was wondering more about particularities of hgweb.  None of the files in this case are anywhere near 2GB, but the entire repo is 140212M.


Frank Siler
Siler Industrial Analytics

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