Where/How Hostname for HgWeb Feed URLs

Jensen, Aaron ajensen at webmd.net
Wed Apr 2 18:50:27 UTC 2014

> Lemme guess: weird problem -> still using IIS. Ya know.. getting a copy of Apache and Linux costs less than sending me lots of email.
> The urlbase value is automatically constructed internally from the SERVER_NAME environment variable. The relevant code is here:

And I'm quite embarrassed to report that this was due to a mis-configuration on our side, not a problem with IIS.  Looks like our hgweb configuration file had this:

    baseurl = /

Yesterday I did play around with changing its value, but whenever I refreshed the feed, the URLs wouldn't change. It wasn't until later that I realized the feed was getting cached by the browser.  Once I discovered the caching issue, I had already moved on to something else, and didn't go back and re-test the baseurl settings.  Thanks to Mads for pointing out, in the bug report, that baseurl is the configuration value Mercurial uses here.

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