Another command server issue

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Thu Apr 17 16:51:21 UTC 2014


today I encountered another command server issue. The issue happened only on 
Windows systems.

My software is using the command server. For the log command I am using a custom 
template. In the history there is a changeset, that has lots of modified files. When retrieving 
all history data the output is fairly big, i.e greater than 4096 bytes. This causes the 
command server to send just the first 4092 bytes of data and than waiting for some input 
via the L channel. In other such situations my IDE simply crashes, probably due to trying 
to read more data than was sent.

Using the hg command line works fine in the IDE, so I have a workaround. Nevertheless it 
would be great, if this issue gets fixed.

*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at
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